


How many times can you take a Texas Teacher Certification Test?

Answer: 5

Did you know that you are limited in the number of times you can take a Texas Teacher Certification Test (the TExES exam)? Many people think they can take it as many times as they want.

Having a cap on the exam should not increase anxiety or pressure, but certainly should inform your study decisions and timing of when to register.

The first step is to determine how well you are currently prepared for the exam. How much do you really need to study?

There are two great resources to determine this:

If you need additional preparation help, 240Tutoring.com has great, interactive study guides and come with a money back guarantee that you will pass your exam.

If you feel prepared to take the exam, you need to then register for your exam. Though some programs allow for enrollment without a TExES exam passed, this is to your detriment going forward. It is a better position to take your exam and then enroll in a certification program.


If you enroll in a certification program and then take your exam, the program will only be able to provide you 2 test attempts. Even though the state (TEA) provides 5 attempts, programs will hold you accountable at 2 attempts.

Why give a program your money if you don’t know you will be successful on the exam? Programs like iteachTEXAS want you to know that you will be successful prior to enrolling. iteachTEXAS does not want you to pay out of pocket without the assurance you are qualified for a job.

If taking the exam prior to enrollment, you will need to choose the “PACT” registration option which stands for Pre-Admission Content Test.

Here are the basic four steps to register:

  • From the ETS http://cms.texes-ets.org/registration/
  • Choose New User.
  • Choose No TEA ID.
  • Select the PACT option, which will generate a TEA profile and ID. If you already have TEA ID, you can simply contact TEA at (512) 936-8400, Option 2 to have PACT approval added to your existing record.

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